NS Proposal Form Revised.v7 (Word Document)
To submit a proposal, please complete the application and save it as a single PDF file that also contains your syllabus and a sample of at least one significant assignment for the course. Save your PDF file by the course name, category, and date (e.g. engl101WC080921).
The PDF should be emailed to the Volunteer Core Committee.
If you are submitting a revision, please also include a brief written “Response to Reviewers” explaining how the requested revisions have been addressed. This “Response to Reviewers” should be included in your single PDF file and the file should be saved by course name, category, and the revision and date (e.g. engl101WCrevision050120).
Your submission will be a single merged PDF including:
- Volunteer Core Submission Form
- Syllabus
- At least one significant assignment
- Response to Reviewers (if it is a resubmission)
Tips on creating single PDF files.
If you can put all of your word files in a single word document and then save it as a PDF file, that will be the easiest approach. PDFs are created by going to Print🡪 PDF🡪save as PDF. If you need to merge multiple PDFs, they can be merged through various tools (such as Adobe,, or
NOTE: AFTER YOU SUBMIT A PROPOSAL, YOU WILL RECEIVE AN EMAIL LETTING YOU KNOW IT HAS BEEN RECEIVED. If you do not receive that confirmation email within 3 business days, please email to let us know.
The review process begins with a Volunteer Core Subcommittee approval and then goes to the Volunteer Core Committee for approval; you will receive an email at each of these levels about the proposal’s status. From there it goes to the Undergraduate Council for approval and finally to the Faculty Senate. Until your proposal appears in the Undergraduate Catalog, it is not eligible to be listed as a Volunteer Core course.
You may track your submitted proposal through the review process.
Proposals are accepted on a rolling basis, but must be submitted no later than October 15, 2024, for the 2025-2026 catalog.
Rubric for Student Assessment
Natural Science Rubric for Student Assessment
Subcommittee Chair
Lee Murphy, College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences
Approved Courses
See the Volunteer Core Requirements page of the undergraduate catalog.