- To provide a forum for discussion of academic advising and student success related topics and policies, procedures and processes for faculty, advising administrators, enrollment management administrators, and student life administrators.
- To share critical, cross-functional updates and address areas of concern related to advising and student success.
- To support academic advising as part of the teaching mission of the university and the teaching role of faculty.
- To recommend policy, in conjunction with the Academic Policy Committee, to the Undergraduate Council on matters that pertain to academic advising and areas related to academic advising.
Membership Guidelines
- Two to three elected members of the Undergraduate Council
- Chair of the General Education Committee
- Chair of the Academic Policy Committee
- Advising Administrators (Deans or Directors) from the nine undergraduate colleges
- Enrollment Management Administrators (as designated by the Chair of the Advising Committee)
- Student Affairs Administrators (as designated by the Chair of the Advising Committee)
- IT and IR Administrators (as designated by the Chair of the Advising Committee)
- TennACADA president
- One undergraduate student
Membership – Voting
- Elected Undergraduate Council Members
- Academic Policy Committee Chair
- General Education Committee Chair
- Advising Representative from each college
- One undergraduate student
Membership – Ex-officio (non-voting)
- Associate Vice Provost for Student Success
- Division of Academic Success and Transitions representatives
- First-Year Studies
- Student Success Center
- Student Support Services
- Office of National Scholarships and Fellowships
- Academic Advising Leadership Group, Chair
- TennACADA, President
- Enrollment Management Administration representatives
- Admissions
- One Stop
- Registrar
- Financial Aid
- Transfer Center
- Student Life representatives
- Center for Career Development
- Orientation and Transition
- Multicultural Student Life
- Thornton Athletics Student Life Center representative
- Office of Information Technology representative
- Honors and Scholars Programs representative
- Office of Institutional Research and Assessment representative
Two meetings each fall and spring semester
- Chair
- Requests membership representation from the appropriate units (August)
- Conducts meetings
- Approves meeting schedule
- Approves minutes
- Member of Undergraduate Council
- Member of Academic Policy Committee
- Call for Chair nominations in spring semester with voting to occur in the final spring meeting. Chair must have advising as primary component for their role and be in a leadership role. Outgoing chair will serve as past chair for the next year to support, assist, and serve as substitute for the chair if necessary. There are no limits to the number of times a chair can serve.
- Serves one year term
- Administrative Coordinator
- Sets meeting schedule in consultation with Chair and reserves venue
- Call for agenda items
- Creates and distributes attendance sheet
- Creates name plates to distinguish between voting and non-voting members
- Minutes – approved by Chair before publication
- Submits minutes to UGC
- Creates/maintains online voting for any committee matters
Undergraduate Council Minutes – Page U3653 – February 23, 2016