The Modern Campus Curriculum platform allows proposals for the undergraduate catalog to be submitted as needed. All active proposals can be viewed by all users. Only proposals that have reached the UG Curriculum Committee by the 15th of each month prior to the meeting* will be added to the agenda. Agendas will be visible to all faculty once they are published in Modern Campus Curriculum.
* If the 15th of the month is a weekend/holiday, then for the purpose of the Curriculum Committee deadline, the deadline to submit proposals will be the last business day before the 15th and the agenda will be set at the start of the first business day following the 15th of the month.
Agenda for Upcoming Meeting
Beginning in academic year 2023-2024, the agendas are located in Modern Campus Curriculum.
Minutes of Recent Meeting
Minutes of the recent Undergraduate Council meeting can be found in TRACE by clicking on the tab at the left named “Minutes of the UG Council”.